I Made A New Friend

How could I have possibly forgotten to post this the moment it happened?
About seven years ago, Stephen and I were given the major blessing of meeting Ben Knight and Vivian Howard, proprietors and chef of Chef and the Farmer in Kinston.
I will never forget one of our dates at our home where the four of us stayed up late talking about running restaurants in eastern North Carolina and how different it was from what we experienced in Manhattan.
We drank, we laughed, we ate, we drank, we talked, we drank. You get the idea.
After that evening, a wonderful bond formed, and since then, we have shared meals, wines, family time and many a conversation.
In typical generous Vivian fashion, she gave my name to one of the producers of A Chef’s Life’s using me as a source for information on Muscadine. Honored and flattered and thrilled to death, I received a phone call from Un Kyong Ho, a brilliant lady with so much joy and kindness in her voice, I immediately felt drawn to her.
Un Kwong and I spoke on the telephone for at least 45 minutes talking about eastern North Carolina, On the Square, the various strains of Muscadine, and my blog. She was charming, excited and interested, and I have to say, I developed a mild crush on this dynamic voice on the other end of the line. When the blog was mentioned, I explained to her that I didn’t always blog about wine, but I was always having a glass of wine when I blogged. Same thing, right?
But I digress.
Un Kwong wrote bout our conversation on A Chef’s Life site, and I have been too busy basking in its glory instead of posting her blog on my site.
How incredibly rude of me or should I write #toodumbtoknowwhatsup.
Regardless, better late than never, and now is my chance to share Un Kyong’s incredible writing as well as give a shout out to beautiful Vivian who always makes me feel good.
Drum roll please…..
http://www.achefslifeseries.com/posts/16 - (expired link)